At 15, for reasons I cannot remember, I came upon a website for professional cameras that were way above the paygrade of a highschooler. Sticker shock aside, I was in awe of the work people produced with them. Dynamic scenes of lands, animals, and people, whose arrangement on a flat plane popped out and seemingly moved me.
Inspired by the meticulous images, I spent weeks studying the intracacies of creating a photograph, fumbling with exposure triangles on paper, memorizing the cause and effect of settings. Soon enough, I acquired my first camera, a Nikon D3200. I did not know it then, but photography would soon consume me, sparking the start of a journey that repeatedly teaches me the virtue of self-expression.
Since then, I have dedicated myself to mastering the art, continually experimenting with genres and techniques to preserve breathtaking moments. It is a great pleasure to share, with you, my personal reflections. I hope the slices of my life bring joy to your day.
-Esteban Marte